参考Aubo_robot ROS
This repository provides ROS support for Aubo robots. This repository holds source code for kinetic. The corresponding robot controller software version is V4.
Installation from Source:
First set up a catkin workspace (see this tutorials).
Then clone the repository into the src/ folder. It should look like /user_name/catkin_workspace/src/aubo_robot.
In order to compile the package successfully, you need to install some packages related to MoveIt and industrial_core package.
Make sure to source the correct setup file according to your workspace hierarchy, then use catkin_make to compile.
updat Moveit_core_lib : enter the direction /user_name/catkin_workspace/src/aubo_robot/UpdateMoveitLib/Kinetic/,Add permissions to the Update.sh filechmod +x Update.sh , Execution
The recommended gcc version is 4.8 for Ubuntu 14.04; And for Ubuntu 16.04, the gcc version is 5.4.
MoveIt! with a simulated robot
You can use MoveIt! to control the simulated robot like Rviz ,Gazebo or Vrep environment. If you want to simulate the robot in Rviz:
1.First set up the MoveIt nodes to allow motion planning and run:
roslaunch aubo_gazebo aubo_
you should install some package when you use Aubo model in Gazebo here.
2. Then selec "Interact" and move the end-effector to a new goal.
3. In "Motion Planning" -> "Plan and Execute" to send trajectory to the sim robot.
4. Exit RViz and Ctrl-C the demo.launch window.
工博士可以提供了ABB,库卡,安川,发那科和欧地希等各种进口机器人,并且包括机器人的配件,保养,维修,培训等等服务我们都可以进行服务,真正做到了为客户进行一站式的服务保障,并且工博士现已经是集九大机器人代理机器人***于一体的智能工厂一站式服务商,我们相信,我们真正地在协助第四次工业革命的进步,并为所有涉及机器人技术的人们增加优势和收益!如果您想获得更多信息,请在线留言或致电与我们联系 。